Lecture 08

IRCAM Artistic Testbed

by Jerome Barthelemy (IRCAM - Paris, France)




IRCAM makes musical production with digital components. The speaker particularly highlights that the specific kinds of digital objects which they handle and preserve, are not simply audio files but, since the objective of their preservation is to acquire the ability to re-perform the works, the whole process involved (which is a kind of ‘musical digital instrument’ encoded in a form of ‘software’) must be preserved.
The issues implied in the preservation of processes are explained with specific attention to how the Representation Information is extracted by means of several tools; to the way in which the Preservation Description Information is defined using ontologies in accordance with the CIDOC-CRM standard and finally, to the methodology which has been adopted in order to evaluate the authenticity.
One of the main results reached by IRCAM is the development of the OAIS compliant MustiCASPAR server whose use is explained with the support of a demo-movie.
Moreover, the speaker describes the methodology adopted to validate the RepInfo as involving three steps which concern its completeness, usefulness and authenticity respectively.
The final part of the speech is dedicated to the IRCAM repository current status and future purposes.
(This statement is in connection with that of Yann Geslin which explains the preservation issues implied in the different, but correlated context of INA).


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