Lecture 11

ICSRiM Artistic Testbed

by Kia Ng, Eleni Mikroyannidi (ICSRiM - University of Leeds, UK)




The Interactive Multimedia Performance (IMP) context has made extraordinary progress during the last few years by providing performers with the possibility to be, themselves, sort of ‘musical instruments’ which produce sounds by means of their body movement, or providing students with tools that can enhance their learning as well as making important systems for analysing art performances available.
However, the preservation of interactive multimedia performances is extremely complex due to the fact that a recording of a performance does not provide enough information to re-perform it, and for this reason the individual components and the logical and temporal order of their inter-relationship must also be preserved.
Kia Ng’s detailed presentation shows the motivations and issues which are involved in preservation in this context. It is followed by Eleni Mikroyannidi’s speech, which is dedicated to the design and development of an IMP archiving system based on CASPAR components.

In the second part of the presentation Eleni Mikroyannidi presents the preservation process that has been followed in order to preserve the Interactive Multimedia Performances (IMP) and its validation.
In order to capture the appropriate Representation Information required for the reconstruction of an IMP they have extended the CIDOC-CRM ontology, which is used to describe performance at a high level, with the FRBR to provide full descriptions of the conception process of the performances.
Moreover, an IMP archival system for the preservation of different multimedia work has been developed; it is based on the CASPAR framework and integrates a number of selected CASPAR components. This system also includes the Cyclops tool which is used to capture all the appropriate Representation Information in order to enhance virtualization and future reuse of the digital object and provides a usable interface to describe the performances in the form of graphs.
This preservation process was validated by submitting it to a small set of users from the IMP domain which resulted in positive feedback.


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