Lecture 18

Preservation Information Conceptual Model and Knowledge Manager

by Yannis Marketakis (FORTH - Heraklion, Crete)




The maintenance of intelligibility and the preservation of provenance are two critical issues. Representation Information (RepInfo) is one of the key concepts which are offered by the OAIS conceptual model concerning the intelligibility but because of its recursion, this may imply a potentially long chain of necessary additional information.
In this presentation we can see how intelligibility can be formalized by modelling the RepInfo requirements as dependencies between modules (i.e. pieces of software/hardware or knowledge models) and how an analogous formalization of the Designated Community knowledge profile helps to limit the dependency chain.
Moreover, an architectural model where there is the CIDOC-CRM as the top-level ontology and several domain specific specializations, has been developed in order to deal with metadata, particularly concerning provenance.
Finally, a specific type of software, the Knowledge Manager, comprising two layers, a Semantic Web Knowledge Middleware (SWKM) and the GapManager, has been developed to deal with the issues above.
The presentation above is followed by a demonstration concerning the GapManager, which is the component responsible for the management of dependencies and intelligibility gap (i.e. the smallest set of extra modules that an identified community needs in order to understand a specific module).


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